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0 Kr
Unlimited jobs
Contact up to 2 applicants per month
Browse through more than 25.000+ talents in Workee’s curated database
Easy filtering for quick prioritization of applicants
Automated notifications for relevant job-seekers about your new job
Invite your colleagues to help you hire with Workee
297 Kr
Unlimited jobs
Contact 5 extra candidates per month
Browse through more than 25.000+ talents in Workee’s curated database
Easy filtering for quick prioritization of applicants
Automated notifications for relevant job-seekers about your new job
Invite your colleagues to help you hire with Workee
Promoting your jobs on social media and via email to relevant candidates
497 Kr
Unlimited jobs
Contact 10 extra candidates per month
Browse through more than 25.000+ talents in Workee’s curated database
Easy filtering for quick prioritization of applicants
Automated notifications for relevant job-seekers about your new job
Invite your colleagues to help you hire with Workee
Promoting your jobs in social networks and via emails to job-seekers
997 Kr
Unlimited jobs
Contact an unlimited number of candidates
Browse through more than 25.000+ talents in Workee’s curated database
Easy filtering for quick prioritization of applicants
Automated notifications for relevant job-seekers about your new job
Invite your colleagues to help you hire with Workee
Promoting your jobs in social networks and via emails to job-seekers